Day 14

prairie dog town.  I promise I saw them, but they all hid by the time I got the camera out

Windmill farm

Twin Buttes

Springfield to Eads
84 miles
A lot of wind, mostly in my face until the afternoon.  Had quite an interesting conversation with a fellow at the Pizza Hut in Lamar.  Mentioned that I used to work at LPI and managed to get a variety of conspiracy theories told to me, including that the moon landing was faked.  Did you know that there is a government program to dispense aluminum oxides into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sunlight and combat global warming?  Anyway, didn't take a whole lot of pictures because there just isn't much to see.  Fairly empty grasslands.

Day 15

East Colorado

The view from Bob and Meghan's House

more of the view

Eads to Hugo
68 miles

Transported from Hugo to Golden
0 miles on bike
stay at Bob and Meghan's house

It was a tough day of riding with the wind in my face most of the way.  Was happy to meet up with Bob in Hugo.  Bob and Meghan graciously are letting me recharge for the weekend at their house in Golden.  As you can see it has quite a spectactular view.  Getting to wash the clothes, get some work done on the bike, hang out with friends, it's their son Owen's birthday Saturday.

Next update will probably be Monday night.