Days 40 - 41

vertically dipping strata

Blackfoot River

Salmon Lake

Day 40 - 5/11/04
Missoula, MT
0 miles

Rained all day today, so didn't do a whole lot and took no pictures.  There's not much to do on a rainy day in Missoula.  I went to the city's art museum, and the exhibit space was entirely filled with a photojournalistic expose on the dangers of asbestos.  A nearby town with an asbestos mine is now a superfund site.  But asbestos is all-natural, so it must be good for you.

Day 41 - 5/12/04
Missoula, MT to Seeley Lake, MT
55 miles

A grey, cloudy, cold day, but had a pretty good ride nevertheless.  People are very friendly in this part of the country.  Had dinner and a few beers at a place called the Filling Station in Seeley Lake.  Met a couple who are moving up to Fairbanks next week, and they were pretty excited about it.  Apparently dog-sledding is popular here in Montana, so they have eight sled dogs they're taking up with them.  Very nice lady working at the bar, Jane, who is originally from Scotland.  Her favorite Scottish joke:

What's the difference between a Mick Jagger and a Scotsman?  Mick Jagger says, "Hey you, get off of my cloud", and a Scotsman says "Hey McCloud, get off of my ewe."