Days 57 - 58

A coal power plant where they mine the coal from the adjacent hill and it goes right into the plant.

Day 57 - 5/28/04
Grande Cache, AB to Grande Prairie, AB
102 miles by bike, hitched ride for 14 miles

Today was definitely not a good day.  Iwoke at 6:15 to the sound of workers reroofing the hotel directly above me. 
It rained on me for about 6 hours and I had three flats.   The first flat involved the sidewall of my tire going out.  I unsuccessfully tried patching the tire, which led to the second flat.  Then I saw I guy in a pickup coming the other way hit a deer (the deer was dead within a minute and did not suffer long).  I had the final flat in the rain about 15 miles out of town when it was already about 8:30 at night, so I gave up for the day and hitched a ride into town.  They were a nice mother and daughter with a pickup.  I was caked with mud upon arrival.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so I think I'll wait out the weather and see if I can get another tire.  It was a bad day, but I guess I had a better day than the deer.

Day 58 - 5/29/04
0 miles

Bought a new tire and a couple of new tubes.  Grande Prairie has about 30,000 people and is likely the last place that will have a bike shop for quite a while.  A little interesting thing I notice here today is that at stoplights the left turn signal blinks; apparently this is true throughout Canada (no significance, just an odd observation).  It did rain again today, glad I wasn't riding.  I cleaned up the bike and the clothes.  I think it's finally starting to clear, so hopefully I'll make it a day without being rained on.