Day 68

The Iron Creek Lodge

private lake just behind the lodge

Day 68 - 6/08/04
Iron Creek, YT to Watson Lake, YT
36 miles

I made today a short day so I could get to a town where I could run some errands, get a hotel room with a phone and check email, update the web page, etc.  It's a good thing I did, because it turned out that I had more business to conduct than I thought.  I found out someone has ordered checks on my bank account and has been writing fake checks around Houston.  Fortunately the bank caught it quickly and not much damage was done.  The same person got several other people at LPI.  Anyway, I had to file a police report here and will have to fill out some forms with JSC Credit Union so my account will be credited.  Fortunately none of my legitimate bills bounced, and I think the situation is under control now.

Went to the show at one of the local tourist attractions, the Northern Lights Centre.  It turns out it is a planetarium.  The show consisted of three shows:  an ad for local attractions in Watson Lake, a planetarium show locally produced on the Aurora, and a show on the size of the universe.  I have to say I was a little disappointed.  The planetarium is nice (seats about 150) and has modern equipment, but the equipment is not optimally maintained, some definite focusing problems.  The locally produced show on the Aurora had some good parts, but some of it was hoakie and somewhat irrelevant.  The show included a lot of local Native American mythology about the Aurora, similar to one of LPI's outreach programs. 

Anyway, it was a misty, cold, grey day.  Hopefully the weather will clear a bit for tomorrow.