Day 75

Day 75 - 6/15/04
Destruction Bay, YT to Pine River Valley Lodge, YT
63 miles

I didn't feel like riding the full 120 miles to Beaver Creek, the next town I plan to stop in, so I rode halfway and stopped at a nice little lodge.  About 10 miles past Destruction Bay is another stop called Burwash Landing that had a really nice, well done museum.  The museum had some excellent displays on all the major wildlife of the Yukon; very informative and visually stimulating.  When I got to the lodge I called up University Housing and managed to secure a 1-bedroom furnished apartment for when I arrive.  UAF has month-to-month faculty housing available, so I'll be able to stay there while I look for a house.  That was the last major piece of business I had to take care of before I arrive, so I'm really happy that's done.

For the second time in the trip I ran into someone that I had met earlier in the trip.  In Watson Lake the waitress at the diner, named Catherine, had mentioned that she was looking for a job closer to Alaska.  She is Canadian and her fiance is American and currently living in Fairbanks.  She does not have a fiance visa yet, so she can't move to Alaska.  Anyway, it turns out she got a job at the lodge here, and she arrived from Watson Lake while I was eating dinner.  Another wild coincidence.  I'm happy for her, she's now pretty close to the border.