June 24, 2004

June 24, 2004

Well, I'm slowly starting to get settled in.  Didn't do a whole lot on Sunday, since I didn't have an apartment yet.  Went and saw the new Harry Potter movie, it has a very different style from the first two.  The movie was pretty good, but I think I liked the style of the first two better.  Went and checked out the storage closet.  Since I wasn't there when they loaded it, it's going to be fun trying to find stuff in it.  Most of my office stuff is to the side and near the front, so I'll try and unload that so I'll have some space to move around in.  I don't want to unload much of my personal belongings from storage right now, since I hope to find a house to buy within a month or so.

I got things sorted out with the housing office on Monday, and am now in a one-bedroom furnished apartment on campus  They have just finished renovations, so everything in it is new and it is really a nice little apartment (pics above).  I dropped by work today.  I have a really nice office in a brand new building.  The building is so new that furniture has just been ordered for my office and it won't be here until mid-July.  I did get special permission to move some of my boxes of work stuff into the new office.  Got some clothes and other stuff out of storage, and picked up some groceries.  I went to the famous Midnight Sun Baseball Game Monday night.  The game starts at 10:30 p.m. and goes on until about 1:00 a.m., all under natural light.  The teams are part of the amateur Alaska league, which is a summer league with mostly college players.  A significant number of major leaguers have played in the league, like Dave Winfield and Tom Seaver.  The stadium was packed (about 3,500 people), and the game was a lot of fun to watch.  The home team, the Goldpanners, beat the Kenai Peninsula Oilers by a score of 9 to 1.  I took a few pics with the disposable camera I got as one of my going away gifts, so when I get the pictures developed I'll post a few. 

I obtained local phone and internet service, so I'm slowly getting reconnected with the world.  My new phone number is 907-455-4664 (it's publicly listed, so I might as well put it here).  Although I don't plan on using it for a few weeks, the new email is herrick@alaska.net. 

I went out with the real estate agent to look at houses Tuesday.  This is going to be a difficult process.  There are a bewildering array of variable in finding a house, many of which don't exist in more conventional places.  There are multiple options for water supply, heating, whether you live at high or low elevations, what you have a view of, whether or not you have a garage, and the list goes on and on.  The agent I'm working with is very knowledgeable, and I think we're at least converging on a set of parameters for what I'd like to find.  Whether or not what I'd like is available is a whole other matter.

I picked up my mail on Tuesday as well.  They had a whole cart devoted to me at the campus post office, so I'm sure they were happy to have me show up and get my stuff out of there.  I've got a whole new to-do list updating my address with various entities and sifting through 3 months of mail.

Thursday morning I was interviewed by the local paper and the local public radio station.  That was pretty fun and exciting.

Not much else to report.  I'm getting caught up on correspondence, trying to get set up in my apartment, and so on.