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To-Do List for Alaska trip

Selling my condo

X Get interior painted
X Fix guest bathroom sink

X Put on market
X Sell

Moving my stuff

_ Pack
X Arrange moving van

_ Book ferry from Seattle to  Alaska

X Book flight reservations for drivers from  Fairbanks to Houston

X Rent storage facility in Houston

_ Move stuff into storage facility

X Arrange movers to load truck

X Notify insurance company when stuff in storage, in route, etc.
X Arrange movers to unload truck in Fairbanks
X Arrange storage in Fairbanks
X Arrange for place to park Jeep in Alaska

Preparations for the bike trip

X Complete route selection
X Purchase supplies

X Set up laptop to use cell phone as modem

Set up laptop to keep journal, post web pages, and post images

Work tasks

X Arrange for student to be paid through summer
Set up no-cost visiting scientist position for Explore! grant

X Submit progress report on Mars grant by mid-March

_ Get one-year extension for both grants

X Arrange for Mars and Venus grants to be transferred to UAF

X Get software distribution established for SMT program

_ Finish Venus paper

_ Finish Mars paper

_ Pack office and put in storage

Non-work tasks

X Do my taxes
X Set up P.O. Box in  Alaska

_ Arrange housing once I arrive in  Alaska

X Arrange for mail to be forwarded

X Pre-pay bills