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Below is the final version I posted for the 2004 bicycle trip I took from Houston, TX to Fairbanks, AK when I moved to Alaska:

Houston, TX to Fairbanks, AK

Well, I've finished the journey, but I am still occasionally posting updates as I try to get settled in Fairbanks.  Those updates along with all the journal entries during the trip are available under the Daily Journal link.  I also have a page of summary statistics you can link to below.

Click here for the Daily Journal from the trip (links to lots of pictures)
Click here for the stats

map image
Picture of Robbie
Hi, my name is Robbie Herrick, and this is the home page for my bicycle trip from Houston to Alaska.  I am a 39 year-old scientist who studies the planets for a living.  I  have worked for a decade at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), a NASA-funded research institute in Southeast Houston.  I have just accepted a position as research faculty at the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks and my start date is July 1, 2004.  To make the journey a little more interesting, I'm going to attempt to bike from Houston to Alaska, a distance of roughly 4500 miles by land.  So that you can follow the progress of this insane idea, I plan on chronicling the journey on this web site.  Above is a link to a daily journal with pictures taken along the way.   You can click on links below to see some of my preparations for the trip.


Click here to see the to-do list of stuff I mostly completed to get ready for the trip and the big move.
Click here to see the list of supplies for the trip I started out with.
Click here to see an overview of the planned route.

Contacting Me

You can email me at .  I check that email address every few days or so.  If you don't already have my cell phone number, you can email me for it and if I know you I'll give it to you.   If you would like to mail something to me, my address in Fairbanks is:

Robert Herrick
1790 Red Fox Drive
Fairbanks, AK  99709